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Social Security Disability For Generalized Anxiety Disorder And Panic Attacks: What To Consider

Social Security Disability is intended to serve individuals with all different types of medical concerns; it is not exclusively for those disabilities that are physically recognizable. Consequently, individuals diagnosed with a general anxiety disorder or severe panic attacks can successfully file for disability compensation. Yet, there are some factors that are often important.

Medical Documentation

General anxiety disorder and panic attacks do not necessarily manifest themselves in the typical physical form, but an applicant cannot simply claim to suffer from these conditions. You must have medical documentation to support this claim. 

Additionally, the documentation cannot just allude to the idea of you having either one of these conditions. There must be clear and precise terminology that delivers an official diagnosis of one of the conditions before you can apply for disability successfully. Applicants can often save themselves time and an automatic denial by having an attorney review their documentation early on to ensure the necessary language is included.

Symptom Manifestation

The Social Security Administration does not consider every person who has been diagnosed with either of these conditions to be disabled because these conditions do not manifest the same way in every person. To qualify for disability, there is a benchmark that your symptoms will typically need to meet. 

Some of the markers include unpredictability in terms of when you will have a panic attack, ongoing fear that is irrational in nature, problems with concentration, and increased motor tension. These symptoms often indicate that the condition has reached a level to which maintaining gainful employment would be incredibly challenging or impossible, which may make disability an option.

Long-Term Prognosis

It is important to understand that an individual can suffer from a severe case of general anxiety disorder of panic attacks, but only temporarily. Traditionally, these sorts of scenarios are not often eligible for disability compensation. 

As a general rule, the condition must be documented as having a long-term effect on your ability to work, typically for a period beyond 12 months. Medical professionals typically take into account the severity to which you have the condition, how long symptoms have been present, and how much your condition has advanced or worsened over a specific period of time to determine your long-term prognosis and include the information in your records.

If you suffer from an anxiety-driven condition, it is important that you speak with an attorney who will examine your situation and assist you with moving forward towards a disability claim. Contact a Social Security Disability lawyer to learn more.
